Wednesday 10 October 2012

Half Caste - Excuuuuuuse Me!

This podcast was created for the old GCSEs. It is a great poem - find out all about the FORM, STRUCTURE and LANGUAGE of the poem in this podcast.

Great Expectations & Macbeth

Altough this podcast was created for a Controlled Conditions Assessment last year, you will be able to make notes on this to help you with BOTH the Shakespeare and the Great Expectations coursework. One podcast: help with TWO essays!

Friday 13 January 2012

Spoken Language Analysis

You can either: listen by clicking the play icon above, or you can download this podcast (use a program like iTunes and search for 'English Podcast Revision' in the Podcasting (RSS) section.

This podcast is for those about to do the Spoken Language Controlled Assessment.